Congressman Christopher H. Smith, District 4 | Official U.S. House headshot
Congressman Christopher H. Smith, District 4 | Official U.S. House headshot
Concerns are growing over Verizon's proposed installation of 20 30-foot towers along the boardwalk in Belmar, prompting Rep. Chris Smith to introduce legislation aimed at empowering local residents impacted by the proliferation of 5G towers. In a statement, Smith highlighted the importance of restoring the role of residents in decision-making processes regarding the advancement of 5G technology. Smith's bill, HR 8082, seeks to nullify FCC regulations that limit the input of local governments and communities in such projects.
“My legislation will repeal these harmful regulations that have been exploited by providers to limit county and municipal governments—and blatantly disregard reasonable concerns of local citizens,” said Smith. “HR 8082 will restore the critical role that residents should play when considering the health, safety and aesthetic of their community.”
The introduction of Smith's legislation comes amidst a legal battle over Verizon's aggressive push to install the 5G towers in Belmar. Concerns raised by residents and Monmouth County include potential negative impacts on the neighborhood's aesthetics, the local environment, wildlife, and property values. Smith emphasized the need for a balance between the community's concerns and the interests of telecommunication providers.
“The implementation of 5G can help our economy and telecommunications networks, but it cannot and should not be done at the expense of valued local input or under unreasonable time restraints,” Smith stated.
In a letter to Verizon, Smith urged the corporation to reconsider its plans in response to extensive community concerns. He emphasized the importance of respecting the consent of the governed and urged Verizon to work with the correct authority, the County of Monmouth, to address objections raised by local residents and prioritize transparency and consideration for the community.
“American democracy is supposed to be about the consent of the governed,” Smith reiterated. “Clearly, there is no consent here, and we again implore Verizon to work with the correct authority to reexamine the substantial objections raised by members of the local community and respond with transparency and consideration for Belmar residents, Belmar’s tourism, and those of the other shore municipalities along the coast of NJ.”